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For example, if you have this image:īy adding ?name=orig to the end, you will get a much larger image: Image Max URL works by replacing URLs, and in some cases, querying website-specific APIs. 500px, Imgur, Flickr, DeviantArt, Pixiv, SmugMug) Cloudinary, Drupal, Imgix, MediaWiki, Wordpress) BBC, Daily Mirror, Huffington Post, The Guardian, The Independent, Vogue) Instagram, Patreon, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter, Tumblr, VK, VSCO, Weibo, YouTube) Some of the websites it supports includes ( full list): to use with extensions that download all images on a page) Images on a page can optionally be replaced to their larger versions (e.g.It automatically detects image galleries, and will let you browse through them with the pop-up.A highly configurable image popup can be opened by a keybinding ( Shift+Alt+I by default), hovering your mouse over an image, or through a right-click menu item.Redirect images opened in a new tab to their larger version (if one is found).It contains the following features, each of which can be toggled and customized to a significant extent. It also supports many generic engines, which means it can work for almost any website, even if it's not explicitly supported by the extension. Image Max URL helps you find larger or original versions of images for currently ~8900 websites (using ~5100 individual rules).

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